couple of months ago I attended the best concert of my life! Matt and Kim, fronted by Matt and Kim (go
figure…) are Tasmanian Devils of energy going 110% on every song. Female drummer Kim Schifino pounds her sticks
like a tornado (sometimes while summiting the top of her drum kit). Every girl wanted to be and every guy wanted
to be with the badass that Kim was on stage.
And last week I was able to grasp a glimpse of what that was like when I
took a POUND workout class at 7 in the morning.

by Kirsten Potenza and Cristina Peerenboom the workout fuses cardio, Pilates,
isometric movements, plyometrics and Isometric poses paired with rock, dubstep,
and old school music. With POUND you
can burn between 400 and 900+ calories per hour, strengthen and sculpt
infrequently used muscles, and drum your way to a leaner, slimmer physique –
all while rocking out to your favorite Kanye song!

something truly primal about beating the shit out something with sticks,
whether it’s the floor, yesterday’s calories, or both. As you POUND away you’ll be a rock star crafting
a leaner you through a rockout workout!
to life being delicious and rocking it out!
(Photos by Mark Sacro)
(Photos by Mark Sacro)
We at Live Active offering best Pound Rockout and Workout Classes in Singapore. Well trained and experienced instructors can give you best Pound training.