Luckily Edible Skinny was
able to do just that with some fabulous late night

The ambiance of Misoya Tomi is your classic mini mall
divey Ramen joint. The restaurant is
scattered with piles of Manga (Japanese comics) for those looking to get
literary with their noodles.
For those just evolving past the world of Top Ramen,
there are a plethora of styles and varieties of miso to be dabbled with in
every bowl of noodles. At Misoya Tomi
they offer three different miso bases:
Kome Miso, the more typical broth found in Tokyo, made from white rice and soybeans.
- Shiro Miso, the most common style of Miso overall. This Kyoto style of broth which can range from light white to golden-colored and has a slight subtle sweetness.
- Mame Miso, made from red miso paste. The taste is darker, saltier, and more pungent than its white counterparts.
Our table spread the gamut on ours soybean choices. None of us were disappointed.
And as an added bonus if you check out Misoya Tomi late night style Monday
through Thursday, you can take their chopstick challenge. Successfully move all the fake plastic
beans from one plate to a bowl with chopsticks within 60 seconds and your ramen is
on Misoya Tomi.
So here’s to life being delicious and the perfect noodly
nightcap to a neon night on the town!
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