Pin-Ups on Tour's Caitlin Comeskey |
Edible Skinny was lucky enough to be Seattle a few
months ago while performing with the amazing Pin-Ups on Tour and while there we
were able to experience local coffee roaster the Freemont Coffee Company.
Freemont is Seattle’s funky, creative district where
your inner child, communist or troll (living under the Aurora Bridge in this neighborhood) comes out to play. So it’s
only fitting the Freemont Coffee Company would embody the rouge unconventionality
that this city embraces in totality.
Suffice to say there was alcohol involved with this
So it’s totally fitting that the Freemont Coffee
Company is everything but a corporate Starbucks. Since opening in 2003, Freemont Coffee
Company artisan-roasted, Fair Trade and organic coffees have become a local
staple for those sipping-in or to-going out.
Housed in a historical home and decorated with macabre knickknacks such
as bronze skulls and Bastets (the Egyptian Cat God statues) it’s just the right
amount of funky.
This shop is the one of a kind coffee joint where you
can spend (or waste) an entire day. Dogs
abound, comfy chairs, and a wraparound porch that is perfect for counting
raindrops, snowflakes, or those precious 58 days of sun that Seattle gets per
So for the perfect bone shaking cup of coffee at the
Center of the Universe, check out Freemont Coffee Company.
Here’s to life being delicious and to today being one
of those 58 Seattle days of sun!