of the stands that struck our eye was Rancho Gordo’s Heirloom Beans out of
Napa, California. Focusing on “New
World Specialty Food” the brand also sells exotic dried chiles, prepared
hominy/pozole, extra fancy California wild rice, and new world grains such as
quinoa and amaranth.

press darling, Rancho Gordo’s beans been featured in the New York Times, Wall
Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Chow, Sunset, Bon Appetit, Gourmet, Food
& Wine, Country Home, San Francisco Chronicle, and Chile Pepper.
Beans tend to have a lower yield and can be much more difficult to grow but the
pay off is in the unique flavors and textures that you don't find with bland
commodity beans. But the result is worth
the fuss, for IRL Rancho Gordo’s fans flock to
its Ferry Building location!
The stand even has a tub of “touching beans” coaxing you (“you know you want to!”) to thrust your hands into a half of foot’s depth of heirloom beans and run the rainbow of magic through your fingers!
The stand even has a tub of “touching beans” coaxing you (“you know you want to!”) to thrust your hands into a half of foot’s depth of heirloom beans and run the rainbow of magic through your fingers!
Thanks so much for this really sweet valentine. It seems in life you don't always get to work hard and get rewarded for it, but we've managed to pull it off, with support from people like you.